R.I.P. Roy Hargrove (1969 – 2018)

It’s so very sad to learn that Roy Hargrove is gone. He was a real jazz man, a fantastic improvisor who loved to play it rough and risky. He really gave more than 100%, as he said in this video.

Too bad that he also had a drug problem, and he almost had to serve time because of coccaine possession.

He was also a talented composer which he proved just recently.

This is a lovely melody, full of hope for better times to come; but as you can hear, Roy had changed. Here, his playing is more thoughtful, more introverted and mature. As said above, he took risks when he tried to get something out he heard inside. What a firework of ideas.

Roy loved to sit in, and maybe I will remember him by doing that next Tuesday, sitting in once again after a long time of staying away from jam sessions.

This is one of my favorites:

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